Community Guidelines
What you can expect from members when you sign up to Quartermaster
Real locals who bring a friendly face to their Quartermaster community
Communities on Quartermaster are built by real people in your neighbourhood. By including your full name, correct address, and profile photo, each community member does their part to maintain a genuine and authentic ecosystem with trusted reviews.

Approach all communication with honesty and genuine care for people and the wider community
Quartermaster is a space for constructive reviews and referrals, and we actively moderate to support reasonable solutions for all parties.

Act with integrity and uphold our shared community goal to build a space of great local solutions for Toronto neighbourhoods
We’re on a shared mission to create a healthy, respectful marketplace for both homeowners and Pros. Unethical or exploitative practices won’t be tolerated here.

Keep the community space clean and civil. Avoid rude or abrasive behaviour that may cause undue stress or harm to others
Quartermaster is not a place for harassment or abuse of any kind. We’re big believers that people can disagree and still remain civil, friendly, and keep the community space a welcoming home for other members.

Share honest feedback to help local Pros improve their service and organically grow their business
As a neighbourhood platform, Quartermaster thrives off of the honest and reliable feedback of community members. In order to support your local Pros, we want members to share comments based only on your own genuine interactions. Your feedback will help other local homeowners make informed decisions when choosing a local Pro, as well as business owners promoting and improving their practices.